Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Meet Sarah

Sarah is 4 years old very active and is very smart. Her favorite color is blue, she is fun loves climbing, running and jumping. Sarah loves to play dress up and has a contagious giggle.

Sarah was in foster care for about the first 3 years of her life, then her paternal Grandma and Grandpa adopted her. They had her for about 4 months before their health took a downward turn. Sarah lived with my brother and his wife for 7 months when circumstances made it so they couldn't adopt Sarah, who's future was unknown.  My husband and I decided that the only way we could ensure that Sarah would not be moved around anymore was that we would offer to take her. We headed to northern Utah to meet with the grandparents, and unexpectedly came back home with Sarah. 

Normal adoptions are planned and money is saved to cover the costs. We have been told to expect to pay about $4,000 to $5,000 for this adoption. Our "plan" was to put it on credit cards and we would figure out what to do next. Now here is where I turn "spiritual" on you. We were nervous about putting the funds on our credit card but knew that this was Sarah's chance for a forever family. So we took our concerns to the Lord, we prayed every night for several weeks...And the lord kept giving us the feeling that it would all work out, and we just needed to go forward with the adoption process. Little did we know that everything working out would mean our friends, family, and neighbors coming together to create and contribute via a fundraiser thrown by one of the people who knows I would never have swallowed my pride enough to throw one myself. 

Your contributions are an answer to many prayers, tears and faith. We love you for your generous heart .

At this point our adoption is at the stage where a homestudy has been completed, and our lawyer will be getting a court date for us when all of the paperwork comes back which is very soon. At that point Sarah will have a home, and a family with a mom, a dad, an older sister, an older brother and a baby sister who will love and look out for her forever.

Thank you
The Campbell's